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A Journey on AMTRAK: From Boston – And How It Compares to NS Trains in Europe, One Review

Amtrak Boston Journey

Journey on Amtrak from Boston: And How It Compares to NS Trains in Europe

Amtrak in Boston, USA

Traveling by train offers a unique perspective on a region, blending comfort with the convenience of avoiding road traffic. Our recent journey on AMTRAK from Boston to Springfield provided an insightful glimpse into American rail travel, highlighting both its strengths and areas needing improvement. Here’s a detailed account of our experience, followed by a comparison with the NS trains in Europe.

Side Note: The last time I took an Amtrak train trip was around 2018, when I took a cross country trip from Denver to the Northwestern USA (California, Oregon, Washington State).

My Recent AMTRAK Experience

Booking and Ticketing

Booking tickets for AMTRAK was a straightforward process. The online platform was user-friendly, allowing us to choose seats and purchase tickets with ease. However, the process lacked the seamless integration found in some European systems, where real-time updates and easier access to travel changes are more common.

I was not sure which train to get on, the reader board was not updated within 30 minutes of scheduled departure. I actually ran into an Amtrak employee and asked why and he said he hadn’t had the chance to update the board. (?)

Departure and Onboard Experience:

After I boarded the AMTRAK train from Boston’s South Station, which, though busy, was well-organized (except for departure times and which track).

The train itself was a mixed bag. The seats were comfortable enough for the journey, though they felt somewhat dated compared to modern European trains. The onboard amenities included free Wi-Fi, which was a welcome feature, though it was inconsistent at times.

The seats had plenty of room, this is good if you are coming or going to the airport, and you need extra room for suitcase or luggage, but overall, the train could use more lighting. It felt dark inside, maybe because the seats were also dark, but I got used to it after the train started traveling. 

Scenic Views and Journey:

The route from Boston to Springfield offered some pleasant scenery (as nice as can be), especially as we moved out of the city. The ride was generally smooth, but with only a couple stops and slower speeds occasionally interrupted the journey’s flow. This was fine and expected. I don’t recall there being a TV screen on the wall notifying the next stop like in the Netherlands. 

Timeliness and Service:

My Amtrak train was on time, and arrived into my destination on time as well. After the train started traveling, a train attendant came out and asked for my digital ticket for scanning. 

Cost and Value:

My ticket price seemed reasonable. It seems that Amtrak train prices may go up closer to departure date. This is something I will check for in the future, but if you have experience with this, please drop a comment and share with us your experience on this. 

journey on amtrak

Comparing AMTRAK with NS Trains

Traveling on NS trains in the Netherlands provides a stark contrast to the AMTRAK experience. NS trains are known for their efficiency, punctuality, and modern amenities, setting a high standard for rail travel. Here’s how the two systems compare:

1. Efficiency and Punctuality:
NS trains are renowned for their punctuality, with frequent services that adhere closely to their schedules. In comparison, AMTRAK’s performance often falls short, with delays being a common issue. The NS network’s reliability is a significant advantage for travelers looking for a dependable mode of transportation.

2. Comfort and Modernity:
NS trains feature modern, clean, and comfortable interiors, with amenities such as spacious seating, reliable Wi-Fi, and power outlets. AMTRAK, while offering a level of comfort, has not kept pace with the modern features and design of its European counterparts. The difference in train conditions is noticeable and highlights the advanced state of NS trains.

3. Customer Service and Information:
NS trains provide excellent customer service and clear, timely updates about any changes or delays. The AMTRAK experience, on the other hand, can sometimes leave passengers in the dark about disruptions. The ease of access to information and assistance on NS trains significantly enhances the travel experience.

4. Cost and Value:
While both services offer a range of ticket prices, the value provided by NS trains is generally higher, given the superior comfort and reliability. AMTRAK, despite being affordable, could benefit from a reassessment of its pricing in relation to the level of service provided.

5. Overall Experience:
The NS trains’ efficiency, comfort, and service set a high bar for rail travel. AMTRAK’s service, though functional, shows the need for significant upgrades to meet the standards of European rail systems. The contrast between these two experiences underscores the strides the Netherlands has made in rail travel compared to the ongoing challenges faced by the American system.

In summary, while AMTRAK serves a valuable role in American transportation, it falls short in comparison to the well-oiled machine that is the NS rail network in Europe. For a more seamless, efficient, and enjoyable train journey, European standards offer a clear benchmark for improvement.

Have you been on an Amtrak train recently? Have you been to Europe lately and had the experience of riding the trains and modern transportation? Drop a comment and share your experience!

journey on amtrak journey on amtrak journey on amtrak journey on amtrak journey on amtrak journey on amtrak journey on amtrak journey on amtrak 

Posted in Solo Female Traveler, Europe, New England, The Netherlands, Travel Essentials

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