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Guest Blog Posts

Write an Amazing Guest Blog Article for Our Travel Website: 3 Things to Know

Attention travel enthusiasts, explorers, and adventurers! We are thrilled to announce that our website is now accepting guest posts, providing you with an incredible opportunity to share your unique experiences while traveling.

At TravelDocumented, we are dedicated to inspiring and empowering fellow wanderers to embark on exciting journeys, immerse themselves in new cultures, and embrace the beauty of travel. If you are a traveling pet sitter, we want to connect with you!

Our platform has always aimed to provide a supportive and informative space for those seeking unforgettable adventures in Mexico and beyond.

Want to Share Your Story?

Now, we want to extend our platform to feature the vibrant voices and captivating stories of our incredible community. We believe that everyone has a tale worth sharing, and we’re excited to hear yours!

If you have embarked on a life-changing trip to Mexico, encountered fascinating cultural encounters, learned valuable lessons about the local language, or have insider tips on navigating the country’s breathtaking destinations, or related travel experiences, we invite you to contribute to our growing community.

As a traveler, you possess a unique perspective that can inspire and empower others who may be contemplating their own Mexican adventure.

Your experiences, insights, and practical advice can be the catalyst for others to embark on their own transformative journey.

Related: Resources

Become a Guest Author

By becoming a guest author on our platform, you will have the opportunity to showcase your writing skills, build your personal brand, and connect with a like-minded community of passionate travelers. 

Your articles will be read by individuals who share a love for travel, Mexico, and the thrill of exploring new cultures.

Whether you’re an experienced travel writer or a passionate individual with a compelling story to tell, we welcome submissions.

So, don’t hesitate to grab your notebook and pen, or fire up your keyboard, and start crafting your captivating tale of travel in Mexico and beyond!


Here are the requirements:

  • 1200-2500+ words
  • Well written, high-quality, unique article (not published elsewhere), researched to include appropriate links
  • Internal Links: Link to our articles where applicable
  • Short paragraphs, 3-4 sentences max per paragraph. We want it to be easily digested and absorbed by our audience.
  • Include Headers
  • External Links should be from reputable sources, at least 3.
  • Use Grammarly to correct spelling and grammar
  • Include your profile picture (150×150) and social channels, contact information, website, etc.
  • Include an About Me paragraph (40-50 words) to share with our readers a little bit about you with one link to your website’s homepage with your brand name and anchor text.
  • We will run the article through an AI Detector
  • No casinos, gambling sites.

Submit your article to: hello at traveldocumented DOT com


If you are unsure whether your article will be suitable for our readers, it’s best to confirm/pitch us beforehand. No sales pitches, product reviews, venting sessions, fake product reviews, or questionable content. We reserve the right to deny your article.

Terms of Use

  • By submitting an article, you acknowledge and consent to its usage on our website, and social channels subject to any modifications we deem appropriate. You also agree not to make any claims for payment or assert copyright infringement, both presently and in the future.
  • Once the article is published on our website and possibly shared via our social channels, it becomes our exclusive property, and you are prohibited from republishing the article without obtaining our prior written authorization.


Q: How can I submit an article to you?

A: The best way is to send it via email. Our email is hello@traveldocumented dot com

Q: Will you include a link back to my website? 

A: Yes, we will include do-follow links (as applicable) to your vetted website or social platform(s).

Q: Is there a charge to submit my article?

A: At this time, there is no charge to submit your article and for us to post it, upon approval.

Q: We want to sponsor an article, how do we do that?

A: Please below where you can sponsor a blog article, and/or a video on YouTube. Please send your detailed offer/inquiry to our email address.

Q: How can I have my article on the first page of your website? 

A: If you would like to have your article “Featured” we can send you a tailored fee quote. Send us an email with your detailed request to

Q: What is the anticipated turnaround time for submissions?

A: Please allow up to one week for us to review, and could be longer depending on volume.

Q: Will you write an article for our website?

A: Sure, I’d love to write a guest post for your site. Let’s connect via email.
