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Road Trip: Driving 4,000 miles from Texas to Florida Everglades through Alligator Alley and What it Taught Me

Road Trip Through the Everglades

I love the wide open country where I can see forever and drive forever.

Let me back up a bit. I decided to take a sabbatical. During my sabbatical, one of the things on my list was to go explore the great ‘ol USA and to drive, just drive. I wanted to see, taste, feel and breathe in the air, and culture and experience the adventure of new surroundings.

So, I hopped in my car, had my AIRBNB, and hotel points ready to be used, and ventured off to drive toward Florida.

Florida has always intrigued me. From the Panhandle to Miami and the everglades, to Tampa and Orlando.

Interesting Facts about the Everglades

The Everglades in Florida is a unique and fascinating ecosystem unlike any other in the world. Spanning approximately 1.5 million acres, this vast subtropical wilderness is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including alligators, manatees, and the elusive Florida panther. 

The Everglades is a network of slow-moving rivers and wetlands, where sawgrass marshes, mangrove forests, and cypress swamps create a dynamic and vibrant landscape. Designated as a World Heritage Site, International Biosphere Reserve, and Wetland of International Importance, the Everglades is not only a critical habitat for numerous species but also an essential component of Florida’s water supply.

Visitors can explore this natural wonder through guided airboat tours, hiking trails, and scenic drives, offering a glimpse into the beauty and complexity of one of the world’s most extraordinary ecosystems.

OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT [Large language model]. 

Tampa Florida is Amazing!

When I arrived in Tampa, I was floored by how unbelievably beautiful it is. How did I not know of this? If you have never been, Stunning is all I can say. I see why Tampa is exploding and people move here! I seriously considered it, if I didn’t move out of the country for a time.

What I loved is the city is right on the coast, it was clean and the beaches were absolutely amazing. Crystal clear blue/aqua water, how could anyone be stressed living there?

I Drove Through the Everglades

As I headed south from Tampa toward Miami through Naples, I decided to take the Tamiami Trail, which goes right through the everglades. Yes, the mysterious subculture, that should have warning signs on the highway before entering (maybe they do but I didn’t see them). Okay, confession, as I saw a warning sign for Panthers. Do we have panthers in the United States? Well, I guess we do, and they live in the Everglades.

So, the highway starts to rapidly change as you begin to leave Naples and head into the “jungle.” The road reduces to become a two-lane highway, one lane in each direction with a thin shoulder on the road right up close to overgrown brush. When I mean thin shoulder, I mean I don’t think it’s wide enough for a car to fit in it, and then too, you wouldn’t really don’t want to sit on the shoulder of the road in the everglades for many reasons. If you have been there you will know why.

As you enter the everglades, the landscape morphs to become a thick swamp or marshland on both sides of the highway, and in that swamp you know there are crocodiles, alligators, pythons, puma — it’s a whole different world in the everglades. Fascinating. There are no Targets, Walmarts, or Hobby Lobby’s in the Everglades. You are with nature and all of its beauty and mystery.

Catch the Journey!

Everglades Adventure

Explore the Everglades

Activity Description
Airboat Tours Glide through the marshes on a thrilling airboat ride to spot alligators and other wildlife.
Wildlife Viewing Visit hotspots like Shark Valley for the best chance to see diverse wildlife.
Hiking Trails Explore trails like Anhinga Trail for up-close encounters with nature.
Camping Experience the wilderness by camping at Flamingo Campground or Long Pine Key.
Photography Capture stunning landscapes and vibrant wildlife in their natural habitat.

Nearby Attractions

Attraction Description
Big Cypress National Preserve Explore this neighboring park with diverse ecosystems and scenic drives.
Everglades City A quaint town offering airboat tours and seafood dining experiences.
Miccosukee Indian Village Learn about the history and culture of the Miccosukee Tribe with guided tours.
Collier-Seminole State Park Enjoy canoeing, hiking, and exploring the 6,430-acre park.
Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park Discover the "Amazon of North America" with its unique plant and animal life.

A Storm Approaches

Then of course a storm rolls up on the coast and there is a huge dark cloud overhead. It looks like it is going to drop big ‘ol fat rain as they describe in Forrest Gump (clip here).

So, yes I am about to drive through a coastal storm in the everglades. It was bright, humid, and sunny just a minute ago (this is August) and then this huge downpour starts while driving. So I turn on the fast-wipers, but they can’t keep up. So I’m driving blind, really, and can barely see the car in front of me. I can see if they brake and that’s about it, and in no way was I going to let the car in front of me drive faster than I could keep up. I was not going to slow down. Driving through the everglades became a matter of survival. No idea how long this rain was going to last.

This was probably one of the most dangerous driving adventures I had been in at this point. (Driving in Mexico, well that’s another article…)

So, my Garmin decides to stop recording, (what the…) but oh well, I keep driving to get out of the 20-minute downpour, what an adventure. No way was I going to stop, as it would not have been good for any other cars around me, and who knows, I may have been eaten by an alligator.

Tamiami Trail (Route 41)

Things to do in the Everglades

There are a few touristy places you can stop at while driving this Tamiami Trail, swamp tours, and you can take a look at some of the bridges they built over the swampland. If I had more time and planned a bit more, I would have stopped. They serve alligator soup, and you can get a crocodile keychain I am sure, but I just kept going.

Entering Miami from the Tamiami Trail

Then as I am wiped out from this storm and driving through it, I enter the area close to Miami. The highway has widened, back to civilization, there are now stores and gas stations that are not found in the everglades and the highway is inundated with street mustangs revving up their engines all trying to look cool. I can hear their music through their rolled-up windows, I enjoyed the music so I turned down mine so I can relish in theirs. I revved my Honda CRV and burned some rubber just to fit in and look cool.

It's an Experience

If you decide to take the adventurous drive through the Everglades there are a couple of things that you may want to be aware of, things that I probably should have known so here they are:

Tamiami Trail

Night Driving Not Recommended

The Tamiami Trail is a remote drive, with wildlife. It can be dangerous. The trail is through marshland with unique wildlife specific to this area. You are in their natural habitat with a two-lane highway carved out right through it. It’s a spectacular journey and adventure for sure but it’s recommended to take the drive during the day so you can see the road, and other cars, stop for an Airboat Tour, and have the best ride through the area.

Fill up with Gas Before you Start

One of the last places you can fill up with gas is close to Naples if you are headed on an eastward journey. Please fill up/top off before taking the route as the Tamiami Trail does not have gas stations (or maybe they do now), so if you run out, you may be stuck there for a while. I think my cell phone went out too for a while, what gives? Drive in with a full tank, make sure your wipers are working, and just be prepared for an unusual drive.

Plan Your Route Before You Go

Since the Tamiami Trail is remote with few areas to pull off and rest, it’s wise to view a map, and the directions and see if there is an area you may wish to stop and rest a bit before moving on.

Look out for Wildlife On the Road

It has been reported that people have seen alligators in the middle of the road. Be alert on your drive and do not feed any of the wildlife.

So, did I love the excursion? Absolutely! Would I do it again? Of course, but I’d make better plans to stop, take some pictures and go on a swamp tour.

Have you driven through the Everglades? What was your experience like? Would you do it again? 

Posted in Solo Female Traveler

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